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About Our Board

Seven Board of Education Trustees pose for group photo.


BOE Trustees: (seated) Sandie Schoell; Michael D’Ambrosio, President; Seth J. Blau. (standing)  Stuart M. Kaplan, Vice President, Laura Lisi,  Donald Maresca, Robert M. Transom.

Contact the Board of Education at 516-678-1215.

 Policy Book                                    

Board of Education Bios

Board of Education Overview: The Board of Education consists of seven members who are elected to three-year terms. Voting takes place during the annual Budget Vote/Board of Education Election which is held statewide on the third Tuesday of May. Board of Education trustees are volunteers. They do not receive any compensation and they pay taxes at the regular rate.

The board is responsible for making policy, subject to state law, regulations and decisions of the New York State commissioner of education. Board of education trustees must be residents of the Oceanside School District.

Running for the Board of Education:  Candidates for the board must be qualified voters of the district and must file a nominating petition with the district clerk no later than 30 days prior to the annual election. Each petition must be signed by at least 25 qualified voters of the district OR two percent of the voters who voted in the previous election, whichever is greater. 

How the Board of Education and Superintendent Work Together: The board appoints the superintendent of schools to serve as its executive officer in administering policies in the operation of schools. The superintendent is responsible for informing and advising the board on all matters. The superintendent's recommendations normally precede board action on matters relating to recruitment and supervision of staff, selection of instructional materials, development of curriculum, and the operation and maintenance of buildings and grounds.