Voting Information
The information on this page pertains only to school district voting. If you wish to vote in local, state and national elections, you must register through the Nassau County Board of Elections. This will also make you eligible for school district election/budget/bond votes. However, when you register to vote at the school district level, you will still have to register with the county to vote in other elections.
To contact the Nassau County Board of Elections, go to:
Nassau County Board of Elections or call 516-571-VOTE (8683).
Voting Location for School District Elections/Budgets/Bonds
School #6 Gym
145 Merle Avenue
Oceanside, NY 11572
Register to Vote in School District Elections/Budgets/Bonds
Eligibility: Residents are eligible to register to vote if they are:
- at least18 years of age,
- a United States citizen, and
- an Oceanside School District resident for at least 30 days prior to election
Residents are registered and eligible to vote if they:
(1) Voted at or registered for a School District election subsequent to January 1, 2020 OR (2) Are validly registered to vote with the County Board of Elections for the General Election.
Registration of voters shall take place year round between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on days schools are in session at the District Clerk’s office, 145 Merle Ave., except during the five working days prior to any school district election.
Early Mail and Absentee Ballots
Applications for early mail or absentee ballots must be completed on a form prescribed by the State board of elections and may be obtained by clicking on the link above (please be sure to print the correct application early mail or absentee available in english or spanish). An original signature is required. Therefore, you must submit the application via regular mail or in person to receive a ballot. Your application will not be accepted via e-mail or fax.
Completed applications for early mail or absentee ballots must be received at least seven days before the election if the early mail or absentee ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day before the election if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter or to his or her designated agent. Early mail or absentee ballot applications will not be accepted before April 22, 2024 for the May 21, 2024 Budget Vote & School Board Election. The early mail or absentee ballot must be received by the District Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the election in order to be canvassed. For more information, please call the District Clerk at 678-1226.